Relay Controller  |  LV Relay Controller
A unit that helps a person to control various electrical appliances (230V/7A or 24V) sitting at one place. The Controller can be controlled from local Keypad on front panel of unit or remote Milestone Keypad (Wired) or Milestone RF Remote device (Wireless) or from RS232C programmable port through universally available RS232C system controller. The Important feature being (a) 3 bit unit identifier for RS232C Control so that through one port of RS232C system controller 8 Relay controller box can be controlled (Max upto 8 Relay x 8 units = 64 Relays) (b) option for controlling forward and reverse motors. (Relay working in pairs).
Controlling Motors for up/down screen
Projector Mounting Kit up/down
Curtains open/close
Power ON the projector / switcher in sequence
Power ON/OFF the lights
 ML 2RLC (AC)  2 RLC for 2 Relay (AC)
 ML 4RLC (AC)  4 RLC for 4 Relay (AC)
 ML 8RLC (AC)  8 RLC for 8 Relay (AC)
 ML 2RLC (DC)  2 RLC for 2 Relay (DC)
 ML 4RLC (DC)  4 RLC for 4 Relay (DC)
 ML 8RLC (DC)  8 RLC for 8 Relay (DC)
  2RLC (AC)
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